能量平衡 ─ OSHO Rebalancing

影音播放:奧修能量平衡 (奧修社區版)
Video:OSHO Rebalancing

奧修社區發佈的「能量平衡按摩 OSHO Rebalancing」短片。
說明文字:OSHO Rebalancing is a form of body-centered awareness work, which brings people back into harmony with themselves, so they can live their essential unity of body, heart and mind. It works with a synthesis of body reading, deep and sensitive touch, connective tissue manipulation, joint release, energy and breath work, body awareness and movement as well as emotions and their expression -- in order to improve the alignment of the body and find more comfort inside.
Essentially it supports relaxation on a deep level.
OSHO Rebalancing is offered by the OSHO Multiversity in Pune India and many places around the world. (整理:普連 阿敏 Prem Ameen )
奧修能量平衡按摩(上) OSHO Rebalancing Massage
奧修能量平衡按摩(下) OSHO Rebalancing Massage
橫隔膜運作方式 (動畫) 3D view of diaphragm
呼吸運作方式 (動畫) How the Body Works : Breathing
奧修能量平衡 (社區版) OSHO Rebalancing
人體骨骼與肌肉(動畫) 3D Anatomical model
奧修能量平衡按摩 10-1 OSHO Rebalancing Massage 1
奧修能量平衡按摩 10-2 OSHO Rebalancing Massage 2
奧修能量平衡按摩 10-3 OSHO Rebalancing Massage 3
奧修新時代論壇 oshonewage.com
能量平衡 ─ OSHO Rebalancing
普連阿敏 Prem Ameen,奧修門徒,完成「印度草藥按摩訓練 Ayurvedic YOGA Massage Training」、「能量平衡按摩訓練 OSHO Rebalancing Massage Training」、「奧修關節釋放 OSHO Joint Release」。 2007年起開始分享靜心,已帶領超過五十場團體課程。 更多介紹